Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our honeymoon in Costa Rica was amazing! We rented a car and drove all over the country, which was an adventure because there are no street signs, street names, or really any traffic laws in general. We stayed at the base of volcanos, rapelled down waterfalls, rode zip lines through the rain forest, swam on beautiful beaches, white whiter rafted through the jungle, soaked in romantic hot springs, saw breathtaking sunsets, and saw lots of wildlife (including a HUGE spider that chased me down the hall way of our room one night).

One of the highlights of our trip was going on the "Crocodile Man Tour" where our guide, on two seperate occasions, got out of the boat and feed the giant crocodiles by hand, it was insane, and the perfect honeymoon!The guides had lots of scars on their hands from previous tours that hadn't gone so well.


Kathy said...

Looks and sounds like so much fun! Keep the posts coming!

Angel said...

That really does sound like the PERFECT honeymoon, or just trip in general. That looks so so fun. I want to do that!!

Connie and Brandon said...

That zip line goes far!!! Crazy cool! Keep the posts coming:)!/!