It all started at my routine weekly doctor's appointment. My due date was five days away and I was only dilated to 2cm. My midwife asked me if I wanted her to "strip my membranes," which she said might help to move things along a little faster. I shrugged my shoulders and said why not (I guess I didn't see Brannick frantically shaking his head no in the corner). Plus we had a race to win. Brannick's sister Kristi was getting induced the next day with her first baby, and we had been talking to our baby in the womb that she really needed to beat her cousin being born (I just can't help my competitive nature). So the midwife stripped my membranes (ouch) and instructed me to go for a nice long walk. I got home from the appointment, Brannick went to work, and I went for a walk to our post office, probably just over a mile round trip.
Pretty soon I started to have small little cramps, and by the late afternoon I could tell that something different was going on. I called my mom and sister and told them that maybe I was starting to go into labor, but didn't want to call Brannick and tell him to clear his schedule the next day just in case I was wrong. But by the time he got home from work at 7:30 that night, I was fairly certain I was in labor. Brannick wanted to take me in to the hospital. But I told him no, that first labors always take a long time and people always say to stay at home as long as possible. Plus I had dirty bathrooms that desperately needed to be cleaned before I had the baby. So I scrubbed tubs and toilets while Brannick read through all of the handouts from our childbirth class (doesn't he know that cramming before the test never works). With bathrooms now clean, I suggested that we go to bed and try to get some sleep and we would go to the hospital in the morning. So Brannick fell right asleep and I tossed and turned with increasingly intense contractions.
I finally got up and tried to distract myself by watching recorded episodes of Glee and Dancing with the Stars. Then I got a brilliant idea to call my friend Jennie who is a labor and delivery nurse in Utah. She works night shifts so I took the chance that she would be up at 2 am, which she was. After catching up for a while, I described to her my contractions (which were about 4-5 minutes apart, lasting a minute, and pretty intense), and she agreed with me that I could wait a little longer to go to the hospital. I thanked Jennie for distracting me through an hour of contractions and decided to get in the bath tub to see if I could rest a little bit, which is where Brannick found me about 3:30 am. He again tried to talk me into going to the hospital, but the stubborn nurse in me wouldn't give in. I kept thinking that I didn't want to have to wake up the doctors in the middle of the night, and more importantly I didn't want to be that first time mom that always thinks she's in labor and goes to the hospital but gets sent home because she's really not. So I told Brannick to go back to bed and we would go to the hospital in the morning.
But as Brannick went back to bed and I got out of the bath tub, I knew I was in trouble. The contractions got incredibly more intense, and I didn't think I was going to be able to make it out of the bathroom to go get Brannick. After what seemed like an eternity I made it to our bedroom to tell Brannick I was finally ready to go to the hospital. He asked if he had time to take a shower before we left. This time the kind compassionate wife in me took over and I knew Brannick probably wouldn't get a chance to shower or shave for a while once we went to the hospital, so I said, "sure take a shower, but make it quick". So while Brannick was showering I finished packing our hospital bag, and after what seemed like hours Brannick was finally ready to go. He frantically packed everything in the truck, and at 5am we were finally on our way to the hospital. On the way, Brannick called his sister Kristi, who was just checking in to a hospital in Lincoln, NE for her induction, to let her know that we were going to win the baby race.
We got to the family birthplace all the staff were running around, it had been a very busy night for them. So they put me in the last empty room they had and the nurse got me hooked up to all the monitors, all the while I kept telling her that I wanted an epidural. She checked my dilation and I was between 6-8cm, and she said she didn't think I would have time to get an epidural. I started to panic and told Brannick that I couldn't do it. Then my nurse midwife came in, luckily she was already at the hospital with another laboring woman, and she said, "You're a first time mom, you'll have time to get an epidural." So the nurses started an IV and preparations for an epidural. And about that time I started to feel lots of pressure with each contraction and naturally started to push a little. The nurse noticed and asked, "Are you pushing!?!" I told her I couldn't help it, and so she checked me again and I was fully dialated. She said, "I knew you weren't going to have time for an epidural!" and then the room started to frantically fill with people and equipment. My midwife came back in and I started really pushing. After about 30 minutes of the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, my beautiful baby girl was born at 5:58am. We had been in the hospital a whole 45 minutes. Ella Ruth Adams was born October 6th and weighed in at a whopping 6.0 pounds and was 19 inches long.
So I ended up up experiencing a natural childbirth after all, I am officially a real woman, my nursing professor would be so proud. And apparently I inherited my mom's genes for having fast labors, which now I totally understand when she describes the process as, "being hit by a truck." The nurses at the hospital kept joking with Brannick that if we had waited at home any longer he would have been delivering the baby. Which is why he says next time we have a baby he is taking me to the hospital the second I start having contractions.
Brannick was an incredible coach and support during the whole thing (at least the parts he was awake for), and it was so cute to see him turn into an immediate proud and loving daddy. We are so happy and grateful that our baby girl arrived perfect and healthy and we are loving life together as a new family!
What an AWESOME birth story! Yay and congratulations!! I have been waiting for this post [I already knew you had the baby, but just hadn't heard any details]. Ella is beautiful. Congrats again!
What a great story! Your daughter is going to love hearing it over and over!
WOW!! You are amazing, and your little girl is beautiful! I don't know if you know, but we are due in May, and I hope I'm as tough as you!
What a great story and beautiful little girl you have!
Wow! Good job! I did #2 naturally, but I don't think I ever want to do it again. You made it sound like it wasn't bad at all. You must be really tough. She is darling and Brannick looks like a really proud papa. Congratulations!! (PS--I had to do it for Catherine too :)
Oh my goodness, you ARE stubborn!! She is one beautiful and [alert!] sweet little girl...congratulations!!
She is so cute Em!!! I am very jealous of your fast labor. I was in labor with Jace for 32 hours!!! When it was time to push, it took me 2 hours to get him out. Hopefully round 2 goes much quicker. I want to give you a call in a few days so we can catch up on life!
That is quite the story. Way to go, you are one strong woman! :) Congrats, she is darling!
Congratulations Emily! I'm with Julia- I had a natural childbirth thanks to Catherine and all we learned in OB, but I don't think I want to go through that again. Way to be tough! Your family is adorable!
-Amy (Distelhorst) Walker
You never said if you officially beat Kristi...although I'm assuming you did. Tell Branny to call or email me ( I tried to call him to congratulate, but he must have changed his number since I called him last.
Awesome story:) Love you lotes- Tessa
You silly girl! I am glad that you beautiful little girl made here safely. But next time . . . .!!!
Way to go Emily! I don't think I can do natural childbirth. I had contractions that didn't hurt at all and was a 5cm dilated when I got there. Congrats!
Oh funny. You, don't post regularly enough for me to keep up. So now I finally got the story. "Stubborn you" sound's so typical. Child birth is definitely an endurance sport, so you had that going for you. You were lucky to have a super fast labor and pushing--for a first it can go on forever! But since you freely admit to being competitive, I'll just go ahead and remind you that my first was THREE AND A HALF POUNDS BIGGER than your first! Y'know--just in case you forgot. I looked at the pictures too--so adorable. Wyatt had baby acne for a really long time too. I remember the others getting it, but not quite for so long. I was hoping it wasn't telling us what to expect his teenage years. Well I hope being a mommy is going well for you. You should be getting to her more "fun" stages here soon. Little babies are cute--but it's sure fun when they'll actually smile and laugh for you and respond to toys etc. Have fun!
Great story. I think you told me bits of it once, but it was fun to read the whole thing.
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